Well, here is my little hypothesis about whispers:
In episode 2x22, we learn that during his stay in the camp of the Others, Michael is harassed by a black woman questions about Walt ... One of the first questions they ask him is:
"Does Walt has already appeared in a place where he was not supposed to be? You say he was at the other end of the world, but have you seen ... "
In my opinion, this question refers to the powers of Walt, and more specifically, his ability to appear at a remote location ... To me, that this type of phenomenon we have witnessed during the apparitions of Walt lived by Shannon (and Sayid)!
A little later, when Michael finally Walt reviews, the latter told him that the Others are doing it "tests"! In my opinion, the Others kidnapped Walt clearly because of his powers ... They are probably conduct experiments in parapsychology (area of research cited in the film "Orientation" and illustrated by the picture below) to study extrasensory perception of some people: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc. ...
More info on parapsychology: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parapsychologie
Then it should be noted that the three apparitions of Walt in the jungle were preceded by whispers. .. If we analyze these whispers can be heard several voices pronounce sentences in reverse ... By reversing the sound, one can even discern some these sentences, here's the inventory:
Where do these whispers?
Firstly, I think that the apparitions of Walt and the whispers are two phenomena of the same type ... To me, the whispers are issued by people who have like Walt, of extrasensory abilities ... The only difference is that schools are much more developed Walt! It can not only be heard at a remote location (like other people), but also saw as if he were physically present!
The whispers
therefore come from people who have the same powers as Walt (though less developed) ... And I think these people are detained in the same place that Walt's in the hatch of the Others' camp! Note: These people could very well be survivors from the tail of the plane removed shortly after the crash ...
In my opinion, this is where that research is conducted in parapsychology DHARMA Initiative .. Some people (Walt) possessing extrasensory abilities are held ... And Others submit to the tests to study these faculties ... I think it was during some of these tests that our survivors were able to hear or see whispers of Walt!
could easily imagine several people lying on tables, with a device on the head (just like in the photo from the film "Orientation" above), to practice their extrasensory abilities and so, to be present (physically in the case of Walt) simultaneously in two different places!
Finally, note that the powers of Walt are not limited to extra-sensory perception! I think it also has the power to cause the phenomena of synchronicity (Example: the bird that crashed against the glass) as explained in my theory of the I Ching ...
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