Here's a theory I posted after the broadcast of episode 3 of season 2 (Guidance) in November 2005 ... For this first theory, I tried to document a maximum (websites, books) and provide food for thought in trying to understand what is happening on the island ... However, the latter dating back to November 2005, much water has flowed under the bridge ... Despite this, numerous assumptions are still valid!
The Dharma Initiative
all started in 1970 by the establishment of the Dharma Initiative by Gerald and Karen DeGroot, two doctoral students from the University of Michigan. The name "Dharma" is inspired by the "Dharma balance" in Hinduism. Their goal is to create a research center on a large scale to improve the human condition. Their beautiful philanthropic project will be largely funded by the Hanso Foundation , which for many years, funding research projects and social science.
few years later, researchers from Dharma turned their attention to a volcanic island in the South Pacific and saw in this virgin territory the place to establish a research center where they could conduct their experiments in freedom away from the prying eyes of the world. This island is indeed a perfect testing ground and its unique electromagnetic properties are of great interest to scientists.
With funding from the Hanso Foundation, Dharma group can finally realize his project research center. They go to the island and to build six stations , six research laboratories located in different parts of the island, each specializing in a different field of research:
Station 1: Psychology
Station 2: Para-psychology
Station 3: Electromagnetism
Station 4: Zoology
Station 5: Meteorology
Station 6: Utopia social
This distribution is hypothetical of course. Only the station 3 (the swan) devoted to electromagnetism and one devoted to zoology have already been shown in episodes of season 2, as well as their logo. Given that these stations are supplied with electric current, we can assume that they are interconnected by a network of underground electric cables. The six stations are perhaps related to a "control center" in the manner of a star network .
To get a general idea of the primary goals of the Dharma Initiative, it must look into the ideas that inspired its founders. From the film "Orientation", these ideas are those of BF Skinner , one of the most renowned psychologists and both one of the most controversial of the 20th century. It is considered the founder of behaviorism. The
behaviorism (or behaviorism) is a school of thought in psychology that seeks to apply knowledge of science to human behavior, to develop an applied science of behavior. According to behaviorism, human behavior does not depend on internal states of consciousness and feelings, but to the environment in which humans evolve! To scientifically study the behavior of living organisms, it is necessary to study their relationship with the environment. Learning in the animal world offers Moreover, a research field preferred, since it lends itself to experimentation (hence the choice of the island).
One of the most telling works of BF Skinner in connection with Lost, is undoubtedly "Beyond Freedom and Dignity" (1971) , work in which he outlines his ideas Man and science. Here is the preface:
"For Skinner, it must more effectively address human behavior to cope with the terrifying problems in today's world. Traditional notions of freedom and dignity must be radically rethought. Instead of advocating for freedom and dignity, we must instead focus our attention on the physical and social environment in which people live. It's the environment that must change, rather than the man himself.
A technology of behavior can solve our problems by changing the world in which people live, poses its own, troubling questions. The men they become robots? Or victims? Or passive bystanders? Who will plan the perfect world of the future? Can we count on the benevolence of the planner, or a technology of behavior does lead inevitably on a new form of tyranny? "
One of the objectives of the Dharma group is to develop an applied science behavior (the equivalent of biology or physics but for human behavior), observing its mechanisms in conditions controlled. According to behaviorism, environment (the island in this case) plays an active role in determining behavior.
"An experimental analysis of behavior provides similar benefits. When we observed the behavioral mechanisms under controlled conditions, we can more easily find them work in real life. "
The choice of the island is obviously not innocent. It is the ideal place to create an environment in which the individual acquires rapidly effective behavior and continues to operate.
"The punishment is very common in nature, and we learn many things from his action. The child who runs too quickly fell and hurt, if it touches a bee, he is stung, he removes the bone to a dog, he is bitten, and he learns to do it again. This is primarily to avoid various forms of punishment that natural man has built a more comfortable and less dangerous. "This quote
illustrates the choice of the Dharma Initiative to experience its social utopia on the island. Those involved in the experiment are subjected to a more or less dangerous, in which they learn best to acquire effective behavior. Note that the choice of a child for this type of experience is perfect because it has everything to learn and will fall more easily under the control of its environment.
Another work close enough to the first and also very telling of BF Skinner is to remember: "Walden 2 - community experimental " which reads the preface:
" Walden 2, an experimental community, is a utopian novel written in 1948 by BF Skinner, American researcher in behavioral science, who was one of the most important authors of psychology Experimental in the 20th century. In this novel, he describes a community based on an ideal lifestyle built on scientific knowledge about human behavior. The main principle of the approach is to try to scientifically determine the best options in setting social norms, economic and political. "
For Skinner, if we want to build a utopian community, one must know the mechanism, the laws that determine the behavior. Insofar as the behavior depends on the environment, the question then is what environment you have to build for a utopian society.
"Why not gather a handful of people somewhere and create a social system that really work? In many ways, the way we live today is completely absurd. Why can not we do anything about it? Why do we stubbornly not we do something about it? "
This quote further illustrates very well the utopian project of the Dharma Initiative. Behaviorists the observation that science and technology have changed the fate of mankind in many areas within a few centuries and that the only area in which humans are exactly alike for centuries and centuries, it is their behavior, because it is the only area where we did not apply the knowledge of science.
More info:
Parallel with Lost
Now, a few assumptions about Lost:
Basically, the Dharma Initiative is indeed a charitable philanthropic and his utopian vision of a better world based on good intentions. Shortly after establishing a research center on the island, began their experiments and make discoveries, they have lost control. Or more accurately, someone else has taken control! And today, the Dharma project as it was originally conceived is no longer a field of ruin and completely changed direction.
Who would have taken control of the Dharma project? To me, this is Hanso Foundation ! It was they who funded the project. From the film "Orientation" and the site of the Hanso Foundation, Alvar Hanso is other than munitions magnate, which has long supplied arms to the resistance movements during World War II. Can a man like him would finance projects of social and scientific research only by philanthropy? It astonished me.
Just take a quick look on the research projects mentioned on the website of the Hanso Foundation:
Life-Extension Project : project to increase life expectancy.
Electromagnetic Research Initiative : Electromagnetic Research.
Quest for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence : search for the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Mathematical Forecasting Initiative
: mathematical forecasts. Cryogenics Development Imperative
: study of the use of substances at very low temperatures.
Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute: research in genetic engineering.
Accelerated Remote Viewing Training Facility : training center extrasensory perception (parapsychology).
It seems clear that projects of this nature funded by a manufacturer of ammunition have nothing philanthropic. The fact that the Hanso foundation in reality, fund their own projects by taking advantage of the merits of the Dharma Initiative and its utopian ideas and philanthropic . Then she took control in order to further explore the experiences and research areas more prone to ethical issues. In the end, Dharma Initiative is only the visible part of the iceberg ! It is only a simple facade. The Hanso Foundation has used the Dharma Initiative as a hedge, in order to conduct his own experiments with no barrier! It is unclear what the purpose of these experiments, but it was rather the color of a quest for power and domination ...
Since taking control experiments by the Hanso Foundation, some stations on the island have so completely changed function. Station 3, which originally served as a research laboratory in electromagnetic, is now devoted to research on human behavior, just like a cage in which we observe the behavior of rats.
The computer station 3 is an example: we believe that an individual (let's call Desmond, for example) that the island is quarantined and a disaster will occur if it does not code every 108 minutes. If there really was a disaster, it would not be prudent to allow this risk in the hands of a person behind a computer. He could just as Desmond is too long asleep or make a typo at the last second for a disaster to happen? It astonished me. This is even more doubtful that the act of pressing a button every 108 minutes is a task that could be easily automated. This shows that the station 3 is now used as a tool to study human behavior in a particular environment, and according to behaviorism, is the determining factor. The fate of the island does not depend on the survivors, the fate of survivors depends on the island !
Thus, one side of the island, a social utopia is experienced on docile subjects or previously conditioned to obey, so as to have total control over the social system in place. And other experiments of the same kind are carried out on subjects unconditioned (ie, conditioned by their past life experience) to see if they can impose their irrational behavior and thus exert control over them, without prior conditioning of these subjects (in their recovering some of their memory for example). That may be the necessary step before it can impose the same type of social system to the real world?
"A technology of behavior can solve our problems by changing the world in which people live, poses its own, troubling questions. The men they become robots? Or victims? Or passive bystanders? Who will plan the perfect world of the future ? Can we count on the benevolence of the planner, or a technology of behavior does lead inevitably to a new form of tyranny? "(Beyond Freedom and Dignity, BF Skinner)
The objective of the Hanso Foundation would become the" planner "of the social utopia is talking about BF Skinner. They try to develop a "technology of behavior" that would allow them to make men "passive spectators" of their own existence, and thus take control of the world. It remains a hypothesis a bit crazy though. But anyway, the means used in this experiment seem quite radical.
The discoveries made by the Dharma Initiative could well be one radical means used by the Hanso Foundation. This could for example explain one of the most important events of the series: the crash of Flight 815 !
First, it seems clear that the crash of Flight 815 is not a coincidence. The probability that a plane broke in two in mid-flight (three counting the cockpit), and the two pieces stack crashed near a beach, with many survivors with wounds, and in particular this island are virtually nil. The writers confirmed themselves:
"The plane crash did" not by accident. It crashed for a very Specific Reason. "- Lindelof.
This crash has probably been caused by an unnatural intervention. Some say the crash has not actually occurred and that the pieces of the plane and the survivors were previously scattered over the island. But according to the producers of the series, all events that are shown really happened.
The crash of Flight 815 is possibly related to discoveries made by the Dharma Initiative. And those who now control the experiments could have implemented the means needed to "get" the plane on the island. It's pretty hard to believe, but when you think about it, it's still an excellent way to get people outside force on the island without their knowledge and without having to get in touch with the outside world and thus avoiding any risk that the island and its experiences are discovered.
The passengers of Flight 815 have been brought to the island to become the new subjects of experiments conducted by the Hanso Foundation . That said, the simple theory of accident still remains the most likely talking screenplay. But I'm still going make the assumption that the survivors were brought to the island.
Regarding the survivors from the back of the camera, we know more or less why they were brought to the island. Most of them have probably been abducted to become the new guinea pigs for social utopia previously placed on the island.
In passing, we can then identify the so-called "Others " or "other . To me, there are among them two groups:
- Those conducting experiments : Dharma group members (or rather, the Hanso Foundation if my hypothesis is correct), including scientists, subordinates who work for them, including Ethan and Goodwin have infiltrated among survivors of the crash for a list of people to be able to remove them subject to experiences and the people who kidnapped Walt.
- Those who undergo experiences : these people (predominantly young, even children) who have been a kidnapping in the recent past (the survivors of the rear of the unit) or far. They are then removed conditioned to obey orders (such as removing others for example), hence the importance of removing children, innocuous and easily moldable to the image of "the human fully effective" in the social utopia advocated by the behaviorist ideas of Dharma, deprived of his liberty to act and decide for himself as harmful to the survival of humanity.
Regarding survivors from the front of the camera is necessarily less obvious since the plot of the series is centered on them. I think they are also subject themselves or to be subjected to experiments, but we do not yet know the exact nature.
From what we've seen, only Claire (and her baby of course) has been an abduction similar to those occurring on the other side of the island. Ethan has infiltrated the group with the sole purpose of removing Claire and her baby, and make new topics into the context of social utopia setting up the other side of the island. On
Walt , it is clear that it constitutes a valuable psychological subject, given the strange events that occur in his presence. The Hanso Foundation seeks probably explain these events or prove the existence of a "psychic link" between Walt and them. If the existence of a psychic link could be proved, the Hanso Foundation Walt could use for predicting specific events or cause to advance.
As for the other survivors from the rear of the aircraft, the mystery remains unsolved. It is unclear why they were brought to the island, but in my opinion, their presence on the island has a clear link with their past, hence the many flashbacks we see in the series. These flashbacks can of course learn more about each character by showing events determinants of their life, but what is important to note is that these milestones are directly associated with their presence in the air:
Jack : the decisive event in his life: the conflict with his father and the death of it. The cause of his presence in the air: it fetching the body of his father.
Kate : the decisive event in his life: the assassination of his father and the rest of his long history linked to many crimes he has committed. The cause of his presence in the air: it was fetching a marshal after his arrest.
Locke: the decisive event in his life: his infirmity. The cause of his presence in the air: he decides to do a safari in Australia, but is denied because of her disability and must then return to Los Angeles.
Boone and Shannon : the defining event of their lives: the death of their father. This event brings them together, and he moved them an ambiguous relationship demi-frère/demi-sœur. They returned to Los Angeles following the trap tended to Shannon to Boone to get money to the mother thereof.
Claire: Event determinant of her life: her pregnancy and the departure of his companion. The cause of his presence in the air: it loads following the harassment of a medium for which mysteriously insists she raises her child alone.
Michael and Walt : the defining event of their lives: the ten years' deprivation of his son Michael, and the death of his mother for Walt. The cause of their presence in the air: Walt Michael brought with him, because his adoptive father did not raise it because strange events apparently related to its presence.
Jin and Sun : the defining event their lives: the animosity in their relationship occurs when Jin decides to work for the mafia's father Sun. The cause of their presence in the air: they fly to escape the organization.
Charlie: the decisive event in his life: his drug addiction and the dissolution of his group. The cause of his presence in the air: he went to his brother asking him to rejoin the group but returned empty-handed.
Sawyer: the decisive event in his life: the death of his parents. The cause of his presence in the air: he went to Australia to kill the man he believes responsible for the death of his parents, then returned to the United States due to legal trouble.
Moreover, as and when episodes of troubling connections among the characters emerge. The examples are numerous, but most striking is the car accident between Shannon's father and future wife of Jack. It seems that the destiny of each survivor is strangely linked. These links have perhaps crucial to understanding why they were "selected" and not others. And I'm willing to bet that other links will appear in future flashbacks. More information about the links between the characters:
In any case, in general, it seems clear that the survivors of the crash are the subjects of an experiment, and their past (and the connections between one of each) is a key for them. In my opinion, it is still getting experience for behavioral type to develop a behavioral science, studying the link between past behavior and their survivors on the island.
However, in order to observe the behavior of survivors would require those conducting the experiments could observe every move of the survivors, and I think it's good the case! At the very moment when Locke and Mr. Eko preview the missing part of the film "Orientation" (prohibiting use the computer to communicate with the outside world) and Michael looks at the computer station 3, a "Hello? "Appears on the screen! I do not think it's a coincidence, I think the survivors are observed in one way or another. The transcripts of the whispers in the jungle are also in this sense:
Other questions / hypotheses
Many questions remain unanswered: The
figures: I think the figures are part of the unexplained mysteries of the series. These figures appear anywhere and anytime, but there is no consistency between these appearances. I think we can not explain how Hurley was able to win the lottery using them and why he has been victim of some kind of curse. I think it's just something that writers use to create a mystery and power the plot of the series. When asked "what the numbers mean? "Damon Lindelof answered himself:
" I Think That That Question Will Never, Ever Be Answered. I Could not Possibly imagine [how WE WOULD That answer question]. We Will see more ramifications of the Numbers and more use of the Numbers, But It boggle my mind When people ask me, What do the Numbers mean? "The
monster : all we know for now is that it is probably mechanical and it moves underground, uprooting trees in its path. This may be a security system intended to protect certain areas of the island (after Rousseau) by deterring survivors to go there. We'll know more in future episodes. The
hallucinations and dreams : it seems that visions or dreams are largely similar. Either they are part of the unexplained mysteries of the series, some of these visions or dreams are caused by an outside agency. It may be noted that these visions are often linked to the past of some survivors: the father of Jack, Kate's horse, Locke's wheelchair, etc. ...
The Walt powers: there is no denying that Walt has powers including divination. In one episode, Locke takes his arm and Walt reacts violently, saying "Do not open it! "Speaking of a trap which he knew vraissemblablement existence. I think it is also part inexplicable elements of the series. As the power of the cursed numbers. The
polar bears and their presence is probably related to experiments in zoology (one sees in the film "Orientation" when they cite the zoology). They were probably brought to the island to study its behavior in a natural environment totally different from their original environment. In this context, I do not think Walt has been able to materialize these bears as some think, even if it seems that he really has powers.
The Black Rock : according to Locke, it would be a boat of slaves from Mozambique. According to other people, it would be a vessel containing convicts sent to Australia (more likely for historical and geographical reasons). It is possible that the ship ran aground so far inland because of a typhoon or a tsunami. Some also emit the hypothesis that the descendants of the crew of this boat is still on the island. On
Desmond: his boat crashed on the reef of the island. To me, it was deliberately brought to the island as the plane. Just after his shipwreck, a Kelvin leaves the jungle and brings Desmond into the station. He will wait almost three years a new generation that finally arrives in the person of our survivors. On
Rousseau: it seems that his boat crashed on the reef as the boat of Desmond. Except that it is emitting a radio signal loop figures that drew the boat to the island. Her child (Alex) he has probably been removed to integrate social utopia in place on the island. By cons, it still does not know the reason why she killed the rest of his crew, apparently infected by a mysterious illness.
The BEECHRAFT : it is for traffickers of heroin from Nigeria. His crash was probably accidental, but I still reinforces the idea that boats or planes surrounding the island are attracted by an outside agency be discovered later. It also seems that there is a link between Mr. Eko and the airplane.
survivors of the crash of Flight 815 were brought to the island to be the subjects (among others) of an experiment to study human behavior. This experiment was conducted on the island by the Hanso Foundation, Dharma Initiative that uses as a front to justify the philanthropic nature. This experience is mainly based on the principles of behaviorism (or behaviorism) and aims to develop an applied science of human behavior, experimenting on the one hand, a utopian society devoid of human freedom and social cohesion a group of people whose history of each is closely linked to that of the other other hand ...
Hanso Foundation:
"Beyond Freedom and dignity "(BF Skinner), 1971
" Walden 2 - experimental community "(BF Skinner), 1952 ~ pminier/act1/behavio.htm
http:/ / / wiki / Burrhus_F._Skinner
Eugenics: C3% A9nisme
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