Monday, August 23, 2010

Malina Velba Breast Milk


Austria was the cradle of the postcard,
while in France, she made her first appearance in 1870.
It will then know its golden age until the end of the Second World War.

The postcard photography will help to spread worldwide and in all social strata.
This exciting medium is written as a vector of transmission for poetry.

I am writing from under the tent
While died that summer day
Where bloom in dazzling
the blue sky just
A resounding cannonade
Fades before being

Guillaume Apollinaire (1880 - 1918)

the invitation to travel Postcard takes us across the world.

..... You wandered in London this weekend

and I, who dreamed

... still on my side, I

sent them a card Postal
drawn from my imagination,
since the trip was
few months ago, already
last September, to be exact

a card written
a city map
card love

conducted a walk-off, two
tenderly passionate
card hopefully

perfectly true that the journey
made this one of many

is described with any accuracy as possible!

Dominique Bresson

Paris in Paris
arms fire smoke on the roofs
The sky looks like a newborn
I count on my fingers Midi
Who will translate my poem
Who can say the south of Paris

For foreign tourists who will tell them how we love each
In Paris at noon instead of lunch
Twelve strokes of the sword of Notre Dame
Twelve shots in the air of Paris
Our children twelve years they look great ladies
And our ladies are so pretty
Paris in Paris
arms fire smoke on the roofs
The sky looks like a newborn
I count on Paris my fingers

The stage is set
Blue On Blue
frozen celluloid dream is mailed to end
travel transfigured.

You open the envelope
And the world also awaits you
Almost immobility

Then fall
The mountains, lakes
The charming smile
Eternals animals at your feet

It remains you to pick up the sigh
jigsaw sky and green pastures
Oceans scrambled by kissing

Posted by Chaconne 30/09/2008

And if the card is not actually
Each card has its reality.

Small flowers whose arrival heralds spring,
The love I dreamed she will touch your heart.
Like you, bouquet of thought, My soul
aerial flowers.
At their perfume which you get drunk, I begged
joie de vivre.

and postcards, like swallows,
crossing plains and mountains to loving hearts, and every word
affixed gives the thought a
strong wing of Hope
at a distance, she wins.

Today, the cards have become virtual
but the image and the text is still valid.
Therefore j'agrémente always
poems with pictures unless it's the reverse ...

Here is the last one I received in preparing this page - Thanks to Rachel ...

That's it for today.
Tomorrow is another day ...

But until the next article
remember there is always a publication to discover
clicking in my



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