Friday, August 18, 2006

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The numbers mean?

In "The Lost Experience", one becomes aware of a book by Gary Troup (one of the passengers on Flight 815) entitled "The Valenzetti Equation":

From the movie " Hanso Exposed ", Valenzetti equation was developed in 1962 by the mathematician Enzo Valenzetti ... This equation can predict the exact number of years and months remaining before the extinction of the human race!

Like others on this forum, I think the figures are none other than the result of equation Valenzetti! They then designate a number of years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds before the extinction of the human race! In the movie "Hanso Exposed", we see Enzo Valenzetti write something on a table:

If this is the result of equation Valenzetti he is writing, one can see an almost separate (left of her head) that this result actually begins with a 4! So a priori, one might be tempted to write it like this:

4 years, 8 months, 15 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes, 42 seconds

The problem is that after the movie " Hanso Exposed ", the result of equation Valenzetti was calculated 1962 ! That would mean that the human species had become extinct in 1966 (4 years and 8 months later ...), which is obviously not the case! The only other way to ensure that the outcome of the equation starts with a 4 is obviously starting by '42:

42 years ...

Then, as regards the number of months, we have the choice between 4 and 8 months (as if more than 12 months should be increased this year, eg 15 months = 1 year 3 months) ... In terms of the order of the other figures, it has a lot of possibilities (4 months 8:15:16, 8 months 4:15:16, 4:15:04 p.m. 8 months, etc.) ...

41 years, 4 or 8 months ...

Another problem is unknown non-plus date and exact time when the results of the equation has been calculated! It is thus unclear at what point the countdown time! Suppose the result of equation Valenzetti (counts) was calculated January 30, 1962 at 12:00, and take the following order:

42 years, 8 months, 23 days, 4 hours, 16 minutes 15 seconds

This gives the following date:

1962 + 42 = 2004 +
January 30 (8 months and 23 days) = September 22 24:00
+ (4 hours, 16 minutes, 15 seconds) = 4:16:15

September 22, 2004 at 4:16 ! (In afternoon)

At this point, the numbers do not correspond to the time remaining before the extinction of humanity, but the time remaining before the crash of Flight 815! I admit it's a bit silly as the idea is just an assumption without conviction ...

The main idea is simply that the figures are the result of equation Valenzetti ... They correspond to a measure of time remaining (as a countdown!) Before the extinction of mankind (If the prediction proves correct Enzo Valenzetti) ...

Thursday, August 3, 2006

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Theory Ching (continued)

As one of the main themes of the series is the duality between coincidence and fate, I think members of the DHARMA Initiative make experiments on chance (which on the island, instead of -like fate):

Instead of automating the entry of the same code every 108 minutes in a computer (which would be simpler and less expensive), they are dependent on human intervention , and observe what happens: Desmond support behind the button, and it causes the crash of Flight 815 (with aboard, survivors whose past "overlap ")...

What are the chances that a plane stranded finds himself trapped in an electromagnetic field accidentally released at some point in the middle of a desert island in the middle of the Pacific? This phenomenon defies all laws of probability! And I think that's just it of interest to members of the DHARMA Initiative! Of coincidences occur regularly on the island, and the Others are trying to establish experimentally the existence of what might be called "fate" (the absence of chance) on the island ...

We also note that the powers of Walt fit perfectly within the framework of this type of experience! The bird that crashed against the glass when Walt is reading a book on birds, is a phenomenon typical of what parapsychologists call "synchronicity" ... Such as Walt playing backgammon with Hurley, and he gets the numbers he wanted whenever he rolls the dice!

So if you follow my suggestion, Walt was kidnapped by the Others to consider his ability to "defy coincidence", or technically, to cause phenomena synchronicity! They try to understand how it is possible to establish heuristics (ie d, new knowledge)! Dharma also means: Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications Initiative ... So, in my opinion, DHARMA is a department of the Hanso Foundation, which seeks to establish a new knowledge (heuristics) of chance, from concrete observations on the island ...

Note: When Walt told his father (a prisoner in the "wrong" side of others) they make him take tests, I think there is any simple tests that involve chance (Example: they ask Walt to name a card, then they ask him to draw one in a game .. of course, Walt pulls the right card! And they try to understand where this phenomenon ... That's probably why they have taken a blood sample to Michael to see if it's genetic)