Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hammerhead 150 Governor

Spoilers on Season 3

Season 3 will begin in the USA October 4, 2006! It is expected to be composed of 25 episodes! New

compared to the first two seasons of new survivors will emerge on the forefront! These are other survivors of the crash (among the 48 that we have) we never really seen on screen but are there from the beginning! Here is a picture of these extras:

Some rumors already (on E! Online) on the first episode of season 3! Here's a taste:

The first episode begins with a close eye on Jack. It will elongate, naked, on an operating table in a large empty room that appears long abandoned. He does not remember anything.

The first two episodes deal of research that the few survivors remain. These have many physical differences from the end of season 2.

Season 3 will focus much more on the Others. We will discover the mysteries that surround them, and we learn more about including Alex, Rousseau's daughter.

Although dead, Libby will still appear in flashbacks of certain characters. However, chances to see Ana Lucia through a flashback are virtually nil. By cons, Cindy will be back and we will discover what happened to him.

Regarding the other characters, Harold Perrineau (Michael) will no longer be a regular character in season 3. However, Michael Emmerson (Henry Gale) and Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) become characters regular series!

Doublefinger Ring From Swarovski

Theory on the "monster" Others

Here's my theory on the "monster". I'm not saying it is plausible, but I think there are some real. As we know practically nothing about this thing is a bit difficult to make inferences ... But hey, that's what I gather at this stage of the series ...

Some speak of nano-robots, other hallucinogenic gas or even a hallucination at all. To me, this thing is a cloud of metal particles, which travel through the control of magnetic effects on the island. It can take roughly the form it wants and so strong to move underground, uprooting trees along its path, kill or catch people. In my opinion, this thing is controlled by something on the island, a human or artificial intelligence.

What is it?

Many believe that this is a security system to protect the island (or so claimed by Rousseau). I think it is more exactly a system for monitoring the island. Let me explain:

The noise made when the thing moves stealthily (cf. above image) and the appearance flashes face Eko ( monstre.mp3 ) reminds me loud enough noise that some cameras are professional grade ... It suggests to me that this thing somehow takes "pictures" of the island, moving, or even other types of images ... Here's the flashes that appear in the smoke lorsqu'Eko faces to it:

Church of Eko's brother.

Eko's brother (right) and probably his mother (left).

Man Eko killed to save his brother.

The scene where a Traffic tends revolver in Eko's brother.

The arrival of Mr. Eko on the island.



The scene where Eko's brother is shot just before the start of the Beechcraft.

reference to Eko became a priest.

When something is in front of Eko, she seems able to "scan his memory or his thoughts," and to translate what she has decoded images, the latter appearing in flashes of light, as if were "photographs." In my opinion, if it Eko did not attack it for the same reason she did not attack the first time Locke: they do not leak. Locke certainly have seen flashes of him too. Note the remark of Locke shortly after seeing the thing: "I looked in the eye of this island" ...

All images it captures are then sent to the location of the island where it is controlled, making it a sophisticated surveillance system (it can not only detect the presence of survivors but also analyze whether the person in front of it must be removed or not, for some reason still this time) ...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wedding Baskets With Toiletries

As I said in my theory about "others" in my Dharma is a secret project of the Hanso Foundation ... And a good part of Other people are (scientific or otherwise) who work for the Hanso Foundation on the island to carry out the DHARMA Initiative .. Here is a small chart of the members of the Hanso Foundation (as part of the DHARMA Initiative):

Note: Following the final episode of season 2, it appears that Henry Gale is to put more high as previously thought in the hierarchy ... In my opinion: over Mr. Friendly perhaps even the head across the island, but below the leaders of the Hanso Foundation ...

However, the boundary between members of the Hanso Foundation and the rest of the Others is ambiguous ... Some dress up in old clothes to make people believe they lead a primitive lifestyle (eg, Mr. Friendly and Alex Rousseau's daughter) and others (as we see children walking barefoot in the jungle) seem to really lead this lifestyle on the island (conditioned to obey those who are disguised and supervise the experiment) ...

(...) -> I transferred a part of the theory (Rewrite)

The only thing I am 100% sure is that part of the Others are members of the Hanso Foundation which carry out the DHARMA Initiative on the island, Alvar Hanso is the man who runs it all ...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Pokemon Soul Silver On Mac Rom

Hierarchy Theory on whispers

Well, here is my little hypothesis about whispers:

In episode 2x22, we learn that during his stay in the camp of the Others, Michael is harassed by a black woman questions about Walt ... One of the first questions they ask him is:

"Does Walt has already appeared in a place where he was not supposed to be? You say he was at the other end of the world, but have you seen ... "

In my opinion, this question refers to the powers of Walt, and more specifically, his ability to appear at a remote location ... To me, that this type of phenomenon we have witnessed during the apparitions of Walt lived by Shannon (and Sayid)!

A little later, when Michael finally Walt reviews, the latter told him that the Others are doing it "tests"! In my opinion, the Others kidnapped Walt clearly because of his powers ... They are probably conduct experiments in parapsychology (area of research cited in the film "Orientation" and illustrated by the picture below) to study extrasensory perception of some people: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc. ...

More info on parapsychology:

Then it should be noted that the three apparitions of Walt in the jungle were preceded by whispers. .. If we analyze these whispers can be heard several voices pronounce sentences in reverse ... By reversing the sound, one can even discern some these sentences, here's the inventory:

Where do these whispers?

Firstly, I think that the apparitions of Walt and the whispers are two phenomena of the same type ... To me, the whispers are issued by people who have like Walt, of extrasensory abilities ... The only difference is that schools are much more developed Walt! It can not only be heard at a remote location (like other people), but also saw as if he were physically present!
The whispers
therefore come from people who have the same powers as Walt (though less developed) ... And I think these people are detained in the same place that Walt's in the hatch of the Others' camp! Note: These people could very well be survivors from the tail of the plane removed shortly after the crash ...

In my opinion, this is where that research is conducted in parapsychology DHARMA Initiative .. Some people (Walt) possessing extrasensory abilities are held ... And Others submit to the tests to study these faculties ... I think it was during some of these tests that our survivors were able to hear or see whispers of Walt!

could easily imagine several people lying on tables, with a device on the head (just like in the photo from the film "Orientation" above), to practice their extrasensory abilities and so, to be present (physically in the case of Walt) simultaneously in two different places!

Finally, note that the powers of Walt are not limited to extra-sensory perception! I think it also has the power to cause the phenomena of synchronicity (Example: the bird that crashed against the glass) as explained in my theory of the I Ching ...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Pusooy Beach Party Game

The cause of the crash of Flight 815?

Since the final episode will focus on Desmond, it is very likely that the cause of the crash is related to its past history (his arrival on the island and its three years of isolation) or present ( he lived after fleeing the station Swan) ... That's how I see things:

Desmond goes back to the survivors with new crucial information about the island ... In surveying the island, he discovered other boats (in addition to her own and that of the team Rousseau), or had stranded in the jungle ... And the scene, clues to the cause of all these shipwrecks ... He will then speak at length with Locke ...

Locke will then in turn tell him of his recent discoveries about the hatch ... He will then explain Desmond what happened when the countdown is down to zero : hieroglyphics, the noise of machinery that sets off the lockdown, etc. ...

By comparing their findings, Locke and Desmond will realize that their information is consistent and lead to the same Track: the basement of the hatch ! It was from there that they will finally find answers to their questions and they discover the source of many crashes and shipwrecks will be discovered!

They will then decide to blow up the concrete wall near which the key was drawn to Jack! Eko will ask Charlie to take him to the place where the rest of dynamite, and they will then blow up the wall! (Cf. planing hours produced)

Behind the wall, they discover a huge device to control the electromagnetic fluctuations of the island (the same one we had intended to start lorsqu'apparaîssaient the hieroglyphics on the countdown) ! Incidentally, this device is capable of causing a plane crash or the sinking of a ship ... How? In the drawing like a magnet? By disrupting the navigation system (EMP effects)? The debate remains open about it ...

fact remains that the noose is tightening ... Our survivors will discover that many crashes / wrecks that occurred during those years depends in reality the pressure or not the button ! In this way, those who have implemented the system (members of the DHARMA Initiative) ensure that the fate of hundreds of people depend on the decision of one person at a particular time when the countdown to descent zero (accidentally or not) and a plane / boat is in the area ...

Desmond was the only occupant of the Swan station when the accident, the crash of Flight 815 would be due to a non-pressure switch (probably unintentional) by Desmond?

That's my assumption ... At first glance, this seems not very realistic, but if this assumption is more or less accurate, it will still see how the writers present the thing ... But nevertheless, at this stage of the series, I find this assumption quite plausible ... See for yourself ... ;)

Sources: FeliciaM7/LOST.gif

Thursday, May 11, 2006

When Will Chevrolet Change Bodystyle For Tahoe?

Hypothesis tested!

Small sample of my theory of behaviorism (posted last year on various forums):

Station 3, which originally served as a research laboratory in electromagnetic, is now devoted to research on human behavior, just like a cage in which we observe the behavior of rats .
The computer station 3 is an example: we believe that an individual (let's call Desmond, for example) that the island is quarantined and a disaster if it does not happen a code every 108 minutes. If there really was a disaster, it would not be prudent to allow this risk in the hands of a person behind a computer. He could just as Desmond asleep or stay too long he makes a typo in the last second for a disaster to happen? It astonished me. This is even more doubtful that the act of pressing a button every 108 minutes is a task that could be easily automated. This shows that station 3 is now used as a tool to study human behavior in a particular environment, and according to behaviorism, is the determining factor
(...) (...) This

said, in order to observe the behavior of survivors would require those conducting the experiments could observe every move of the survivors, and I think it's good the case! At the very moment when Locke and Mr. Eko preview the missing part of the film "Orientation" (prohibiting use the computer to communicate with the outside world) and Michael looks at the computer station 3, a "Hello? "Appears on the screen! I do not think it's a coincidence, I think survivors are observed in one way or another .

Following the viewing of the episode 2x21, my assumption is correct!

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

How Do People Get Hiv

Theory Ching

I think everyone has noticed how the concept of coincidence and fate are raised in Lost. These coincidences strange that seem to be a "wink of fate" has a name: the synchronicity . A little Googling led me to this page:

And what I see in the title: the word " Ching! This word probably tells you nothing, and yet ... Guess what is called the octagonal symbol of Dharma? I decided to look into the matter and submit this little line of thought ...

What is synchronicity?

Sometimes we meet with a coincidence mysterious character, leaving us an unsettling feeling and indefinable. It is a kind of "wink" that the fate of psychoanalyst Carl Jung called synchronicity. We then say that the coincidence is loaded with meaning, it is significant.

Jung defines synchronocité as "a simultaneous occurrence of two events related by meaning and not the cause" . It is when two events occur that nothing seems to link them, but related, take on significance in the consciousness of the person. Synchronicity interpret the coincidence of events as meaning something more than mere coincidence, is the process to become aware of coincident events, to discover that fact, luck does not exist.

More about synchronicity: C3% A9

Synchronicity has been appointed and analyzed by Jung in the 50s, but has always been used, particularly in the I Ching as a means of self-knowledge and the cosmos. The I Ching is based on the principle of meaningful coincidences (The inexplicable coincidences in life). The

Ching is a sort of "oracle" (a bit like Tarot cards), a divination system that provides answers to our questions. And synchronicity can "explain" the coincidences in the answers given by the I Ching. The I Ching is therefore not based on the principle of causality (as defined in Western scientific) but on the principle of synchronicity.

symbol Ching

More info on the I Ching: / perso/frete/yiking/yiking0.html

example of synchronicity: One day, a patient of Jung tells him a dream where she received a gift of a gold bug. Meanwhile, Jung heard a noise at the window caused by a large insect that had hit them. He captured the animal and found it was a Scarabaeides Lamellicorns of the family, the closest of beetle it is possible to find in our latitudes.

examples of synchronicity in Lost are particularly abundant (dreams, visions and premonitions are totally in part):

Walt reading a comic in English where you can see a polar bear. A little later a group of survivors on an expedition and found himself face to face with a polar bear (NB: this coincidence does not prevent the bears from being brought to the island as part of experiments zoology project Dharma! As mentioned above, these two phenomena are related by meaning and not the cause)

Locke visited Australia for a safari. It is not accepted because of his paralysis (he insists on repeating that it is his destiny). He pays the return trip, the plane crashes and he finds the use of his legs.

Jack tries to rescue a girl from drowning but fails. In the flashback, Jack returns from a child fighting (having tried to save one of his buddies) and his father told him "Do not play hero, do not try to save everyone." Then, Boone said, "Who made you our savior? "And at the same time he has a vision of his father.

Claire dream had a strange dream in which her baby has disappeared and she plunges her hands into the cradle filled with blood. We later discovered that Rousseau was trying to remove at the same time and the blood on his hands is that of Rousseau it violently scratched arm.

Claire consults a medium for which mysteriously insists that it embarked on Flight 815. This is an obvious reference to "Divination" the principle of Yi-King is.

When Walt playing backgammon with Hurley, every time he rolls the dice, the numbers he wants to fall. Same for all the scenes where Walt is playing backgammon.

Locke introduces Walt to throw a knife. He told her to focus on the target and imagine his inner eye. Walt launches knife and puts it right in the target. He then said "I saw in my head as if it were true. "

In a flashback, Walt is reading a book on birds. He insists that his mother looks and a second later, a bird crashed against the glass. Also note the reaction of his adoptive father, who at the death of his mother refuses to keep Walt: "When is there, things happen. It is different. "

Walt bed again the English comic book in which there is a polar bear. His father asked him to help him build a raft and cast the comic fire. A little later he was attacked by a polar bear.

In the episode where Sawyer feels harassed by a boar, Locke says that the death of his sister when he was small, a labrador came home and slept for five years on the old bed his sister, until her adoptive mother dies and then walked away.

Hurley wins the lottery. All the phenomena of bad luck that happen again (death of his grandfather, a house fire, etc.) follow the law of series in synchronicity (repetition of events, things, symbols or the same or similar time and / or in space). The fact that he found these same figures on the island is a very good example of synchronicity (no causal connection between the fact that he wins the lottery with these numbers and the fact that he found on the island from which they come, but significant coincidence ).

Locke made a premonitory dream in which he told Boone that the island will send them a sign. He sees the Beechcraft will crash, which bloodied Boone says "Theresa falls from the stairs" and he sees himself in a wheelchair. A little later they found the Beechcraft, Boone was seriously injured and partially Locke loses the use of his legs.

In a flashback, a woman and a man seriously injured in a road accident arrive at the same time to emergencies. Jack is alone competent doctor there, he chose to save the woman he married some time later. The man was the father of Shannon. A few years later, Jack and Shannon both survive the crash of Flight 815.

In a flashback, Jin's brother uses trigrams of I Ching and he predicted that he will find love. The same day, Jin meets Sun.

Shannon Vincent used to find Walt. Shannon's dog leads to the tomb of Boone. It will be killed by accident a few days later trying to find Walt (just after a new outbreak of the latter in the jungle whispers: "They come and they are close).

Kate stumbles upon a black horse in the jungle. One discovers in his flashback she left on the run following a car accident caused by a black horse.

Eko found the Beechcraft he should use to export heroin from Nigeria, and on which his brother died. It is the most striking example, those with of Walt.

Note also winks at the Ying and Yang symbolize the poles of the change in reciprocal interaction and cyclical in the I Ching:

Pawns of Backgammon.

The black and white stones found on the bodies of "Adam and Eve in the cave.

Locke's eyes in Claire's dream.

All these examples show how the phenomena of synchronicity are present on the island. And the Dharma logo shows that all these phenomena are not due to chance. There is strong potential for finding many other phenomena of gender in the upcoming episodes. I think that is the key to the presence survivors of the crash on the island. And that Locke understood. He also said repeatedly that he believes in destiny and that everything that happens on the island is not a coincidence and has a purpose. He also said that these phenomena are directly related to the island.

I also think that it is through these phenomena that the powers of Walt make sense. Walt has the power to cause the phenomena of synchronicity. You should know that these phenomena are studied in parapsychology, a field research cited in the film "Orientation" Dharma. It is for this reason that Walt has been kidnapped. It is likely that experience in parapsychology involving survivors of the crash is conducted under the project Dharma ...