the first tram-train in France Gadget notorious JM Bockel.
opportunity once again to recall that it is time to consider that the service Florival Valley is a priority (urgent) today and that public money invested
by the Department, the Region communities in various projects TGV LGV SHUNT
TRAM-TRAIN now must find a counterpart in the rehabilitation priority REGIONAL the railway-Bollwiller Guebwiller with the return of TER 2015.
We were once again on the field with citizens decided to show our determination
. We no longer accept opposition agree nonstop
new priorities such as "serving the airport" today, to the detriment of the development of an entire valley.
Studies, circulars, new regulations, new studies, it has been 29 years
promises that are never followed up. The arguments against do not
to what exists in other valleys of Alsace (Bruche Munster, Thur ...) and other regions except the framework of the circulars.
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