Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Climate: the Africa is threatening to withdraw from negotiations

Africa agreed on Tuesday after 24 hours of negotiations, to resume negotiations on the future of the Kyoto Protocol, but remains concerned about the lack of progress in a month's conference Copenhagen and is still threatening to slam the door.

African delegates to the negotiations Barcelona, the last before the appointment in December (7-18), were suspended late Monday their participation in discussions, as industrialized countries did not predict quantified commitments to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases , "at least 40%" in 2020 compared to 1990.

Africa has agreed to return to the negotiating table, while preventing "a failure to consider tomorrow the desired results lead us to suspend the talks" back, "said Ousman Jarju, delegate Gambia, on behalf of the African Group.

"The level of ambition of developed countries is unacceptable (...) We must consider the objectives and ambitious figures who, from an African perspective, would represent a reduction of 40% at least," he also insisted .

Africa very vulnerable

The continent, responsible for just 4% of global emissions of greenhouse gases, is among the regions of the world most vulnerable to climate change that will lead to it by an expansion of desertification, drought and severe water shortages and crop.

After surgery Tuesday of the Swedish presidency of the European Union and the driver of the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol, John Ashe, a compromise was reached on the following discussions which conclude Friday in Barcelona.

Thus, "at least 60% of the time remaining negotiations will be devoted to discussions on the numbers" of industrialized countries' commitments under Kyoto, has assured Mr. Ashe to the resumption of the plenary conference.

A month before the Copenhagen conference and concluding a new climate agreement, Barcelona offered last five trading days, two of which are already flowing.

"We go round in circles"

Negotiations take place on two parallel tracks: one for countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol are required to renew their commitments beyond 2012 . The other is open to the 192 countries that signed the Convention and incorporates the United States, only industrialized country not to implement Kyoto.

"We never wanted to block the negotiations," confided to AFP Ibl Djibril, Delegate of Benin. "But turning around: there are three days of negotiations by the Copenhagen and we do not always know the intentions of the industrialized countries. Only the EU maintains a consistent language.

Europe aims to reduce its emissions by 20% in 2020, even 30% as part of a binding international agreement. It is the only one publicly announced its intentions in the context of a multilateral agreement.

To many observers in Barcelona, "Africa wanted to show his muscles at the approach of Copenhagen.

'C' was a fist on the table for industrialized countries put their commitments on the table. It came from Africa but it could have come from elsewhere: it was a little dramatic, "said one of them.


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